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Advancing REACH Financing options for ECHA

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for the implementation of REACH and CLP. This report describes the expenditure needed to sustain this work and the funding structure of the Agency. A number of new funding mechanisms which could be introduced into the discussions at EU level are proposed and fee levels estimated. These include: A new annual charge/fee requirement: This measure builds on the original ‘one off’ registration fee and converts it into a fee charged on an annual basis that covers the ongoing costs of the regulator (ECHA), to undertake its activities under REACH/CLP. This could replace existing fees for updates (and so no update fees would apply) or, alternatively, existing fees for updates could remain in place. A new update requirement: this would require periodic updates to be made to registration dossiers with the aim of increasing the quality of dossiers while increasing revenue to ECHA from update fees. Implement charges for updates triggered by ECHA evaluation: this option would seek to pass on the costs of the evaluation to registrants found to be non-compliant by raising charges connected with non-compliant endpoints.

The complete report can be downloaded here.

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